Question: What did you really mean by this statement?
“Give to Caesar what is Caesar's but give to God what is God's."
Matthew 22:21
God’s answer:
Meaning: The question is: Do you owe?
The word owe means "to have an obligation to pay or repay in return for something received"21.
This parable has been used by people to justify taxes. Jesus was not taking a stand whether taxes is just or not. That is for people to determine whether the taxes are commensurate to the benefits they receive.
As it relates to God. Again the question is posed: Do you think you owe God something?
As God said, we owe him our life. And we start repaying him by giving him back our life so He can begin his work of returning us to who we truly are --- a holy child of God.
For anyone who has ever been given a grace, at the very least, we owe God our gratitude.